Our new Boy!!

Our new Boy!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This is it... I think

Hopefully this is it for my blogging on this site. Today Debbie left the apartment at 8:30 to meet the driver and 4 other families for the medical check. There was no room in the van so I stayed behind. Debbie was hoping to bring Stasik back to me before heading to the Embassy appointment scheduled for 2:00 p.m. Kiev time. Since it is now 2:10, I think it is safe to assume he had to go to Embassy with her.

We are leaving the apartment some time this afternoon to stay in a hotel near the airport. We have to be at airport at 3:30 a.m. If you are in Texas and reading this first thing Wednesday morning, you can know that we should be on a flight home before you go to bed tonight.

Stasik continues to do well. He still has his good times and bad times when it comes to food. Trying to figure out what he can keep down has been a challenge. I know Debbie and Jared will be glad when they can have some guidance and understanding of his medical condition from U.S. doctors. There is no doubt in my mind that Stasik will gain strength and one day will be a force to be reckoned with. He has a stubborn streak in him that is already evident.

Before I leave this blog, I would like to say, personally, that there are many things about Kiev that I have enjoyed. The snow has been nice and the sunny days have been wonderful to walk around in. The people who have known enough English for us to communicate with have been nice and helpful. Some Ukranians were willing to try to communicate with us, and laugh with us, and for them I am grateful. The underground metro is amazing and the underground tunnels with all the shops are much appreciated in the cold. The bread here is terrific for toast. I think the toast is what I will remember the most. Being part of this long adoption process has been a joy and a privilege. Meeting Stasik and taking him out of the orphanage is an experience I will not forget. I am sure Stasik will not remember I was ever here but I will remember his first official day with his mom the same way I remember Carter's first day on this earth. I am so glad to call the Wingfields my friends and thankful they think enough of me to share the special times of their lives with me. There are no better people in this world than Debbie and Jared. Anyone who says differently hasn't met them.

Signing off from Kiev...... Honey, I'm coming home!

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